Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Real Relationships

Real Relationships

I LOVE the women in my life!! God has so richly blessed me with friends and family across this country.  I am so thankful for technology and that they are just a text/call or FaceTime away.  

God has given us women the desire for relationships. We NEED girlfriends.  We need relationship.  We need coffee/tea dates; exercise buddies; shoulders to cry on; prayer partners; recipe exchangers; mentors; ears to listen and counselors. 

We must to be purposeful about our friendships.  The enemy likes to detour us with busyness. He knows that iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17) so he will do what he can to keep us from spending time with our girls.  

Don't let busyness be an excuse. Plan a 30 minute coffee date, a 15 minute phone conversation or a 1 hour dinner with a friend this weekend. I've found that if you put a time frame on it, it is doable and not so much pressure. 

Someone needs you this week. Make that phone call! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Real Green

Transforming My Temple
Week 1

One down, three to go. It wasn't so bad after all. 

My body is loving all of the clean foods. I sure can tell a difference. Here's one example: after eating 90% clean all week I decided to allow myself a cheat meal today. Let's just say that it was confirmation (for the hundredth time) that my body thrives when fed whole clean foods! I ate fries and about 4 bites of turkey, Texas-style BBQ. I truly cannot believe how it's made me feel. 

I got 4 cardio workouts in (working my way back up. This back pain has taken a toll on me). God allowed me a medical massage this week that did my back wonders!! I was actually able to run on Saturday with virtual no pain!! Praise The Lord!!! 

I'm planning to begin blending (green smoothies) on a regular basis again this week and stripping my diet to be more whole-food, plant-based focused for this week. I'm going to do two green smoothies and one meal per day with raw snacks if needed. Can't wait for the health benefits this will lend. 

It was a great week with The Lord too!! I love how He loves us! I'm thankful that He always teaching me. 

Thanks for reading and I will try to post mid-week with smoothie recipes.